Design Controls |
Click the dialog element you want to learn more about or scroll down
for full explanation.
Preset bank
"Presets" are saved image parameters. Mystica comes with some
"factory-default" presets to demonstrate its capabilities.
you are encouraged to extent these presets with your own work.
The preset section allows you to store an unlimited number of
presets (they just need 1k of data):
Next preset: This button
cycles through all presets. With each click, a new image
preset is loaded and displayed. |
Add a preset: This
button adds the actual image parameters to the end of the
preset list. All presets are saved immediately to disc, hence
your presets will still be available on your next launch of
Mystica. |
Erase preset: Click to
erase the previously loaded preset. After deletion, its image
parameters are still visible, but the preset has been removed
from the preset list. |
Snapshots allow you to store all actual image parameters and
reload them with one click.
Save all image parameters.
Do this before trying image variations. |
Reload the previously stored
parameters. |
Undo and redo
Mystica provides unlimited hierarchical undo and redo functionality.
Undo the last action. Click
multiple times to undo many previous actions. |
Redo last action(s). |
Iteration depth
This slider defines the
number of iterations being computed for each pixel in the
image. See the following image sequence for examining the
visual influence of this slider: |
The leftmost image is rendered
using very low iterations. The image contains just low
frequency regions, smoothing every detail. As the slider
progresses to high iterations (right images), the images gain
more detail and sharpness. |
Depending on the
image parameters, moving to iteration slider to its rightmost
position brings no more detail than setting it in middle position.
Make sure to set it then to lower positions to reduce the rendering
Mystica generates its images based on different algorithms, each
providing its own characteristics.
Two algorithms are to be selected, a slider allows to blend bewteen
In this example, two algorithms have been chosen. Now
watch the effect of moving the slider: |
Moving the slider from left to
right yields different designs. Typically you use the slider
to gradually change your image design until it reaches a
desired form. The mixing procedure is a linear process, which
means that you are able to smoothly blend between various
designs without sudden jumps of chaotic structures. |
Chaos and order
This slider allows to blend
between "ordered" (low frequency, soft images) and "chaotic"
(high detail, sharp designs) structures.
Watch the effect of moving the slider form its middle position
(order) to its left or right extent: |
The images gain more "chaotic"
Choosing the final slider position does just influence the
"chaos" on the selected viewport and preserves any other image
parameters. Hence, you are able to continuously add
"distortion" to your image while its basic character remains
constant. |
The 'sequence' is a
powerful image parameter that applies slight changes to the scene,
preserving the original image character. Hit the "Shuffle"-button
multiple times until you are satisfied with the scene complexity.
(You might want to save a snapshot before applying different
See the following four images: each
picture is redrawn after just pushing the "Shuffle"-button.
Random image
The random button is always a
good starting point for creating new images. It randomly sets
image parameters. Hit the button multiple
times to find nice initial settings. Store candidates using
the snapshot function. |
Algorithm Layers
Use this section to alter
the image composition. usually you would that after algorithm, chaos,
and colors have been set to achive overlay or distortion effects.
Choose on top
among 5 tabs: each tab is on or off (triggered by the enable
button), white tab = on, black = off.
Hit Shuffle to randomize all 5 tabs (always handy for initial
The iteration window allows to limit the computation to a
certain iteration range.
"Function" defines how the iteration result is mapped to the
output value, default is "x".
Blending defines the influence of the current tab (compared to
all 5 tabs) on the final output.
Add, Sub and Mix indicate if the tab value is to be added,
substracted or mixed-in with the other tab values. |

provides 5 identical color sections, each carrying its own
color and its region of influence.
Besides its color value (defined by pick color button), the color region as well as the color spread
characteristics are of great importance. These sliders are
presented next: |
This defines the color influence width. The leftmost
slider position gives thin, sharp color boundaries useful for
adding specular effects, the rightmost position lights the
whole color band width.
The peak-bell slider defines the color distribution in the
area defined by the thin-wide slider. The rightmost position
yields a linear color distribution while the leftmost
emphasises just peak areas:
Distribution slider:
This most important parameter shifts the color center,
hence capable of changing the image design drastically:
The transparency defines how strong the color impact is on
the image. It gets important when using many colors on one
image. Especially effects like specular coloring for "polished
metal" surfaces gain from it. |
Done Editing button
Click this button to render the actual image. This will move
the image to the RenderQueue.